Literary Science
Literary Science
Literary studies is the heart of our publishing house. Outstanding monographs and anthologies from modern philologies such as German studies, Romance studies, Scandinavian studies and comparative literature as well as from classical philology fill our series and yearbook portfolio. Our programme in literary studies is characterised by a high degree of interdisciplinarity and intermediality and integrates linguistic, cultural and media studies perspectives.

Publication Series
Disability — Literature — Culture
Edited by Klaus Birnstiel and Johannes Görbert
The literary, cultural and aesthetic negotiation of human figurations and life worlds around axes such as ›normal‹/›deviant‹, ›functional‹/›dysfunctional‹ or ›disabled‹/›non-disabled‹ is one of the fundamental practices of social self-understanding. Literary texts produce and archive knowledge in the sphere of the conceptual unity of the difference between ability and disability and lend it aesthetic expression. Based on advanced theoretical models and approaches, the field of literary disability studies strives for an appropriate scholarly reconstruction of disability and ability in literature, the field of literature and cultural life in general. The series of publications entitled Behinderung – Literatur – Kultur (Disability—Literature—Culture) provides a forum for such research. It focuses on literary studies perspectives supplemented by contributions from the fields of the history of art, media studies and cultural studies.
Edited by Günter Schnitzler, Maximilian Bergengruen and Thomas Klinkert. Co-founded by Gerhard Neumann (†)
Anthologies and monographs are collected in our publishing house’s flagship series, which addresses current topics from the field of humanities, in particular based on interdisciplinary questions. Founded in 1988 by the distinguished Germanist Gerhard Neumann (1934–2017), this highly respected series has become irreplaceable in literature studies and cultural studies research.
Modernity and Media
Studies in Literature and Media Culture in the 1920s
Edited by Andreas Blödorn and Stephan Brössel
This series brings together contributions that focus on the literature and media culture of the 1920s in German-speaking countries and that, in particular, conduct textual analyses of social and cultural aspects in literature and theatre, photography, film and cinema, radio plays and radio, plus other forms of the media (e.g. magazines and journals). In this respect, the series focuses specifically on the intermedia and transmedia interplay and relationships between literature and the media, of which Döblin’s novel Berlin Alexanderplatz is a typical example, which was transformed into a radio play and a film, projects in which the author was also involved, and epitomised by Fritz Lang’s two-part film Dr. Mabuse, der Spieler, which was produced at the same time as the novel by Norbert Jacques was published in the weekly magazine Berliner Illustrirte and which was promoted in the media with reports from the film set. In addition to addressing such interconnections between literature, culture and the media in the Weimar Republic, the series—particularly in terms of the defining medium of film—also examines international aspects of the changing media culture in the 1920s, in which the dimension of sound also accompanied the rise of the new ›visual culture‹ (Béla Balázs). With the development of talking films, an increasing number of international collaborative projects were launched, in which the film industry—as typified by Der blaue Engel, the film adaptation of Heinrich Mann’s novel Professor Unrat—experimented with so-called multilingual productions in order to break into the US market and Hollywood above all.
Edited by Hanna Eglinger and Joachim Schiedermair
The series entitled »Nordica« offers up-to-date literary studies contributions to Scandinavian studies in the form of monographs and anthologies. Since it was founded in the year 2000, the series has established itself above all as a forum for discussion and the application of cultural and media studies approaches to new Scandinavian studies. »Nordica« offers its readers the chance to follow recent developments in interdisciplinary theory and methods with innovative reading matter on literature, film and other media from northern Europe. Interdisciplinary networking, the relevance of literary studies in general for Scandinavian studies and the significance of Scandinavian cultural heritage for interdisciplinary literature studies are important in this respect. Accordingly, the series has already published studies on the definitive authors of Nordic literature such as Strindberg, Ibsen, Hamsun and Inger Christensen, on Scandinavian contemporary and youth literature, which is widely read internationally, and also on the relation between text and pictures, and literature and radio or jazz.
Edited by Bernhard Zimmermann in collaboration with Karlheinz Stierle and Bernd Seidenstricker
The series »Paradeigmata« is dedicated to research into ancient culture and its reception in the modern world. It focuses on the legacy of Greek and Roman literature, but it also examines other fields such as mythology, religion, music and art. This series is linked with numerous international research centres and projects, and publishes anthologies on current research debates and monographs.
Philological Material Studies
Edited by Angela Oster
This series examines phenomena relating to »Philological Material Studies«, focusing particularly on literary studies. It addresses the question of what happens if things in texts are not only considered to be decorative motifs, but fundamental tenets and structural catalysts in the writing. Vice versa, it is also equally important not to analyse the writing as the provider of objects, but to focus attention on texts that are written on objects, such as poems written on works of art or quotations written on globes, etc. This series publishes monographs as well as anthologies and conference proceedings. It is intended as a forum for all those interested in this subject area, advanced students and specialist researchers from both subjects that fall under the umbrella of national philology and their related comparative disciplines.
Edited by Claudia Liebrand and Thomas Wortmann
This series is intended as a forum for a form of literary studies whose cultural studies expansion has been consolidated since the ›turns‹ in recent decades. The monographs and anthologies it publishes address the ›textures‹ which literature (and culture in general) is composed of: the literal materials and the media and cultural contexts that are inserted and interwoven into texts. These works and analyses are characterised by their openness towards incisive theoretical discussions in literary, media and cultural studies as well as their demands for innovative approaches.
The Changeable Knowledge of Literature
Edited by Hans-Georg von Arburg, Maximilian Bergengruen and Peter Schnyder
Since 2015, monographs, anthologies and conference proceedings on subjects relating to the history of knowledge from literary studies and its related disciplines have been published in the series »Das Unsichere Wissen der Literatur« (The Changeable Knowledge of Literature). In addition to reflecting methodically on the relationship between literary texts and discursive contexts, the series focuses on the diverse and partly contradictory functions of literature in the production, discussion and diffusion of cultural knowledge. If knowledge is understood as a process rather than substance, the changeable knowledge of literature with its fiction, fantasies and fakes proves to be a key factor in understanding processes of knowledge production which need to be constantly reappraised.
Hofmannsthal – Jahrbuch zur europäischen Moderne
Edited on behalf of the Hugo von Hofmannsthal-Gesellschaft by Maximilian Bergengruen, Alexander Honold, Ursula Renner and Günter Schnitzler
This yearbook has been published since 1993 and is regarded as the most important institution in research into Hofmannsthal. On the one hand, it places the works of Hugo von Hofmannsthal (1874–1929) in the aesthetic and socio-historical context of modern European culture. According to the Neue Zürcher Zeitung, its publication of previously unpublished correspondence is one of its particular merits. On the other hand, contributions from renowned experts in literature, the fine arts, philosophy, psychology, politics, and in dance and theatre at the turn of the century are also collected in this yearbook.
More about Hugo von Hofmannsthal-Gesellschaft
Limbus – Australian Yearbook of German Literary and Cultural Studies
Edited by Franz-Josef Deiters, Axel Fliethmann, Alison Lewis and Christiane Weller
Academic Advisory Board: Jane K. Brown, Alan Corkhill, Gerhard Fischer, Jürgen Fohrmann, Ortrud Gutjahr, Ulrike Landfester, Sara Lennox, Matías Martínez, Peter Morgan, Stefan Neuhaus, Rolf Günter Renner, David Roberts, Ritchie Robertson, Gerhard Schulz and Norbert Christian Wolf
For an academic discipline like German studies to make its mark, global networking is essential, especially in a country such as Australia, which due to its geostrategical location does not allow for proliferent German studies research in the same way that Europe does. »Limbus—The Australian Yearbook of German Literary and Cultural Studies« is intended to take this need into account. Its goal is to further promote Australian German studies to readers with some knowledge of this field and to provide a specifically Australian forum for international discussion on this subject area. Each annual issue focuses on a particular main topic decided on by the editors, and in no way ignores the ideas and opinions of Germanists living and working outside Australia.
Hofmannsthal – Sources and Studies
In the first half of the 20th century, letter writing still played a significant role among all authors. This was particularly true for Hugo von Hofmannsthal (1874–1929), whose correspondence was extraordinarily extensive. It is precisely these letters and the responses they illicited which often provide deep insights into the authors’ works and their sociocultural environment. Through its volumes of important correspondence from and about Hofmannsthal, this series provides important evidence about him and the time in which he lived.
intro: Literaturwissenschaft
The volumes in the series intro: Literaturwissenschaf provide a sound, compact and understandable introduction to both fundamental and current topics relating to a form of literary studies whose cultural studies expansion is based, for example, on the ›turns‹ of recent decades, such as the cultural turn, spatial turn, social turn, etc. The books will appeal to students of all branches of philology who would like to obtain an overview of their respective subject area, and the structured discussions, concise summaries, bibliographical references as well as questions and suggestions for further research in the volumes will facilitate students’ introduction to the subject matter.